Richard Fitzjohn

Total raised

Offline: £130.00
A gentle man, renowned for his kindness, intellect and humour

Richard was diagnosed with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer at the end of July, and died on 15th September.

We don't want Richard's memory defined by cancer, but hope funds raised through this page will fund research and improve the outcomes for others diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

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Latest donations

  • £51.50 Nick Heptinstall

    Richard was a true gentleman, and I very much enjoyed our classics lessons together at AGS.

  • £103.00 Martin Gray

    Richard was a really nice person and I miss knowing that he's not there to talk to. I worked for him and he was one of the best.


    Caitlin ran the York Marathon for her Uncle Richard on Sunday xxxxx

  • Tanya ODoherty

    A true gentleman and a great boss when I worked for him at Thames. Will be remembered for his kindness and forever in our thoughts x

  • £100.00 sue and nick

    Forever in our hearts xxxx


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