Maureen Grace Perry

Total raised

Our amazing Maureen Grace Perry passed away peacefully after a short, and very brave, battle with cancer. We will miss you.

Born in her beloved Porthleven, Maureen held many fond memories of her time there, growing up with her younger brother John.

She met her beloved husband Jim in Hayle. They married in Porthleven in 1970 and settled in Plymouth, where her adored children Katherine and Mark were born.

In 1986 they moved to Cheltenham where they made many more happy memories - many of which involved Peter the budgie, and Charlie... of course.

She loved travelling to as many countries as possible, cream teas and cooking amazing meals for her family.

Maureen will be deeply missed by her husband, brother, daughter, son and grandchildren, amongst many others.

We have chosen to donate to this charity because pancreatic cancer survival rates haven't changed over the last 50 years. It has one of the worst survival rates of all cancers. This is in part due to the incredibly late diagnosis, most people not being diagnosed until stage IV.

We wish to raise money to help find better treatments and cures for this dreadful disease that took Maureen away.

Latest donations

  • £29.87 Kon

    29 for 29 💪🏻

  • Karen


  • Diane

  • £20.00 Hamilton family

    Your lovely mum will be with you every step of the way xxxx

  • £20.00 Rog Naish

    Lost my father to the same


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