Harjit Sikand

A selfless, spiritual soul who gave her heart to those lucky enough to come into her life.
Harjit will be remembered as the most loving and generous woman who I was blessed to call my Mum. She lived an inspirational life, based on spiritual contentment achieved through tireless and humble support of others. I could talk endlessly about the lives she touched, but 3000 characters would barely scratch the surface.
Her strength and resolve in the face of countless struggles was incredible; and will be a defining mark of her character.
My family & I are deeply saddened to lose her, but take solace in her bravery and positivity until the very end. She was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and as a family we were heartbroken that treatment would not be an option. Despite this devastating news, Mum accepted her fate and showed incredible courage. Her battle was unfortunately short lived and she passed away a mere 12 days post diagnosis. She has left a hole that can never be filled but the memories of her life will provide us with some comfort.
Pancreatic Cancer is a cruel and aggressive disease characterised from its asymptomatic nature, late diagnosis and limited treatment. Our aim with this tribute fund is to enhance the research and awareness of a disease that has such a dire prognosis. With increased funding, we want hope to be given to patients and their families.
Mum, this is for you. Your legacy will always continue, in this life and beyond.
Latest donations
£20.00 Divya Sareen
£200.00 Jasvinder
£50.00 Anonymous
£50.00 Gursher Singh Dhaliwal
£30.00 Fazal mirza
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