Stuart Scott

I was devastated to hear about Stu. He was in my second white collar group in Portsmouth and always had time to chat and we would have a joke about his match up with Stuart Hillyer
A few people have expressed interest in training again over the years, so I thought why not get a few of us back together and raise some money for Pancreatic research. This is completely by us,
not affiliated with any muggy organisation trying to sell us something or sign up for anything!
My plan is to do a basic boxing session, few techniques, drills and a bit of a spar up for anyone who wants it. £10 each and we'll give it straight to the charity.
This is for anyone, so bring as many people as you can! Bring boxing gloves or MMA gloves
Latest donations
£10.30 Ollie
£10.00 Stephen Arnold
£10.30 Nick
£10.30 Aaron w
Susanne Hasselmann
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