Stuart James Scott

Total raised

Beautiful, loving, annoying, caring, stubborn, fighter who enjoyed life to the full

Stuart was a fun loving devoted father to two daughters, and his partner, he fought this terrible disease to the bitter end.

Pancreatic Cancer is under-researched and underfunded as it is seen to be 'rare', this needs to change.

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Latest donations

  • £140.00 Phoenix Golf Society

    The annual fines for 2024 donated to this worthy charity.

  • £50.00 John Benoy and Nicci Munn

    Thinking of you all x

  • Amanda horsley

    Happy to do something to help rid the world of this awful disease that so cruelly took you from us.

  • £200.00 SERCGS

    All of the guys and girls in the society thinking of you during this very tough time xx

  • £200.00 East Peckham Golf Society

    Another fantastic donation from my golfing friends of East Peckham, thank you so much.


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