Shilpi Moore (Shilpi Laha)

Shilpi was a kind and caring woman - a fantastic doctor, a wonderful daughter, sister, friend and a loving wife.
Over the last two years, Shilpi has been incredibly brave - she has undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy and throughout it all managed to remain cheerful. She was never one to make a fuss and was always more worried about other people rather than herself. Unfortunately, the treatment options for pancreatic cancer are limited and she was planning to organise some fundraising to try to help people who suffer from this terrible illness in future.
Latest donations
£104.03 Samar/Sabita Laha
£150.00 Barrington Medical Centre
£50.00 Ben
£501.00 Sabita and Samar Laha ( mum and dad)
£25.75 Romita
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