Roger Pyne

Total raised


Target: £1,000.00

Thinker, designer, maker, Artist, entrepreneur, joke-maker

A man hell-bent on making the most of life, after his diagnosis of Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas in 2017. He was always project-led, continuing in this way until just a few days before he died in August 2019. An inspiration to his whole family, he remained positive and upbeat, Always looking forward, and with no regrets other than he would not see his 5 young Grandchildren reach their potential. His attitude changed an already loving family into an amazing loving and even more helpful and close group. The book he created with his positive thoughts and drawings and photos of his made objects will be a continuing reminder of this quietly determined, loving man. No-one can ‘battle against’ cancer -that is the wrong phrase because the disease takes its own cruel route, but as a family we have all learned from what was often a very positive experience despite the down times. We all love you, we miss you but we are glad all the pain has now gone. Please support this cause: there has been no real advance in the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer in 40 years - let;s all try to move the research forward by helping just a little, with a donation to this wonderful cause

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Latest donations

  • £50.00 Anne

    Missing you every day

  • £100.00 Anne

    Wherever I am, you are always in my heart

  • £25.00 Katie Dowd

    A fantastic cause for a great man x

  • £51.50 John

    A true gentleman - full of jokes - and even the ones which made you groan were good ones

  • £50.00 Tony Pyne


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