Giles Boardman
A very special gentle giant of a man
Giles died on the 30th of July 2022, the day before his 75th birthday, and left a huge hole in the lives of his family and his many friends.
He was an incredibly kind, warm, sociable, generous and caring man who loved being with his family and friends. He was always interested in other people and loved helping them out whenever he could. At 6' 6" he stood out in a crowd and took pleasure in using his height for the benefit of others.
He was fun loving and unconventional and had a wide range of friends. He was very concerned about climate change and did everything he could to help the environmental movement and similar local causes. At 73 he was still a keen cyclist and a fit man. He loved life yet it was taken away from him far too soon. He had so much more to do and so much more to give.
Pancreatic cancer is a silent killer. Although Giles had been unwell on and off for nearly a year, pancreatic cancer wasn't finally diagnosed until a few weeks before he died. Much too late for any treatment. Any money raised in Giles's memory will go towards much needed research to help fight this deadly disease.
Latest donations
£51.50 Alan Dot Cal Fin Edie
£103.00 Iain and Anne
£25.00 Laura Alein Rowan Cory and Luke
£40.00 Richard and Liz
Events in memory
Walk 30k in November £245.00
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