These fields are mandatory

Create your account

Please enter your details below to create an account.

You’ll use your email address to login. We’ll never display your email address on our site
Passwords must contain between 8 and 24 characters.
We’ll use this to contact you about your fund.

Please enter your address. If you live in the UK please enter your postcode. If your address is outside the UK, or does not appear upon lookup, please enter it manually. Alternatively, use our address lookup.

We’d love to keep in touch so we can tell you about the huge difference you’re making to our research and services. We’d also like to tell you ways you can help further, including campaigning, volunteering, fundraising and donating.

If you would like to be contacted by email or text message about these topics, just tick “yes” in the boxes below.

Email *

Text message *

Please note, the contact preferences you give to us today will override any preferences you’ve previously made us aware of. For more details about how we use the data you give to us, please read our privacy policy.

From time to time, we may also contact you by post and telephone. You can change this at any time by emailing us at or calling 020 3535 7090.